Day One Done and Dusted

Day One Done and Dusted

That’s day one done and dusted with Sip in fine spirits, faring well physically and mentally so far. In the past twenty four hours he has covered a distance of over 200 kilometres, both around the Sutton Bank in the day, and back at base through the night. He now transfers to road bike with another full day ahead on the saddle, no doubt a welcome change after the undulating trails of day one.

On Tuesday and into Wednesday, Sip will complete thirty kilometre loops on road bike, on a local route in and around Dishforth, with the support team in hot pursuit on shifts. It is expected that another 300 kilometers will be covered today, but you can keep updated with progress via our Just Giving account, where all the data is being synced and tracked, through the day and into the night. Aside from the physical aspects of the challenge, Sip is undertaking psychometric tests every six hours, ensuring his mental wellbeing. He is supported by a loyal team who accompany on shifts, increasing morale, offering encouragement and making sure that everything goes to plan.

In The Media

Monday marked our first live media interview, with BBC Radio York catching up with Sip during a comfort break within the first few hours of the challenge. You can listen to that interview here, and we thank the station and listeners for their time. Over the coming days, we welcome press and the media to make contact, spread the word and help us raise donations for a more than worthy cause.

We also thank Dragon’s Den investor, Sara Davies, for her lovely words of encouragement on Twitter, which can be seen here. Why not follow our channels on social media and check back tomorrow for an update from day two? Sip and the team will be forever thankful for your support. Watch video footage from day one of the challenge below, and help us to make a difference, however small the donation.

Other Enduro7 Fundraising News

Follow Our Progress

Follow Our Progress

Saturday 20th February 2021
As we face the countdown to our gruelling seven day challenge, with no rest and minimal sleep, we urge you to follow our progress and spread the word about our event. Your support, whether that be via a donation or by simply sharing our message on social media, is key to the success of our event, and without you our efforts will be fruitless. Such an extreme event as this takes months of planning, with a team of people supporting from all angles, both internally by teams in the forces and ext...
Supporting Veterans

Supporting Veterans

Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Whilst we mentally and physically prepare for the endurance challenge later in the year, no doubt pushing Major Powers to breaking point, we won’t neglect to forget that our efforts are worth nothing without your support, encouragement and generous donations. Honestly, seven days of pain is nothing compared to what our service personnel and veterans go through daily, both mentally and physically, suffering in silence. This really is our chance to make a difference to those dedicated people wh...

Helping Veterans Like Piers

Wednesday 23rd June 2021
With now less than a week to go before the first event, we would take this opportunity to remind everyone, our supporters and those who are planning to donate, exactly the kind of people we hope to help by raising funds for Combat Stress. In the past decade, the number of military personnel who have taken their own life has doubled, with many more suffering from longer term mental health issues. There are many of us that have served on operations and have lost family and friends, and that’s h...

Web Studios Ltd
This website and all of our marketing materials have been crafted with love and passion by one of our key sponsors, who have donated their time and efforts over a period of months to help the cause. Web Studios Ltd is a long established website design and marketing agency based in Lincolnshire, specialising in the creation of online and offline content, supported by promotion strategies to bring about success. The company has designed and created our brand, promotional materials and developed this website, whilst continuing to support us with ongoing marketing and promotion, for which we cannot thank them enough.